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Size: Approx. 49.5x35.5x3m ( at its thickest point ) Thick as an imperial gemstone.
BLUE ZONE AAA Premium Collection Super Rare Imperial
Origin: Bearpaw formation , Alberta CANADA
This gemstone display is a Amazing free form hand polished natural double-sided gemstone. A super beautiful gemstone.
This gemstone is a very rare Imperial gem. It has a beautiful floral pattern on one side with ultra rare pinks, purple, blue, red, green, yellow and orange. The gem has a chromatic color shift.
The second side of the Imperial has bright reds and greens with a brilliant color change and striations of the fossil visible like waves of energy.
Imperials are double sided ammolite gemstones.They are much more rare and highly sought after by collectors and feng shui practitioners
No Coating
Instagram video @ammoniterainbow • Instagram photos and videos
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Canadian ammoilte ammonite Origin: Bearpaw Formation , Alberta , Canada. Size: Approx.399x231x81mm approx15.3" Weight : Approx. 7.92kg / 17.4lb This gorgeous massive ammolite keel display has bright imperial...
$ 835.00 $ 1,450.00
Canadian ammoilte ammonite Double-sided Origin: Bearpaw Formation , Alberta , Canada. Geological Time: Cretaceous Period, + /- 71,000,000 years ago. Size: Approx. 81x78x24mm...
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Canadian ammoilte.Origin: Bearpaw Formation , Alberta , Canada. Geological Time: Cretaceous Period, + /- 71,000,000 years ago. Size: Approx.51x23mmThis stone has a protective shell of epoxy resin (high quality) over...