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Ammonite Fossil - Placenticeras Meeki
This gem grade ammonite fossil has a bright candy apple red with a chromatic color shift red to green and hints of blue, will make a great display piece for your home.
Geologic Time - Cretaceous Period - Approximately 71 millions years ago
Origin : Bearpaw Formation, Southern Alberta, Canada
アンモライト プラセンティセラス ミーキ
We will mail a certificate of authenticity to you after we send this fossil.
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Canadian ammoilte ammonite Origin: Bearpaw Formation , Alberta , Canada. Size: Approx.399x231x81mm approx15.3" Weight : Approx. 7.92kg / 17.4lb This gorgeous massive ammolite keel display has bright imperial...
$ 835.00 $ 1,450.00
Canadian ammoilte ammonite Double-sided Origin: Bearpaw Formation , Alberta , Canada. Geological Time: Cretaceous Period, + /- 71,000,000 years ago. Size: Approx. 81x78x24mm...
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Canadian ammoilte.Origin: Bearpaw Formation , Alberta , Canada. Geological Time: Cretaceous Period, + /- 71,000,000 years ago. Size: Approx.51x23mmThis stone has a protective shell of epoxy resin (high quality) over...