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Ammonite Fossil - Placenticeras Intercalare Ammolite
This fossil has an excellent array of colors.
Double sided Rainbow Placenticeras Intercalare
Please watch the video here to see the beautiful color changes of this fossil.
アンモナイト完全体 プラセンティセラス ミーキ
Size サイズ: 約 195x145x42mm
Weight 重量: 約 1060g
Geologic Time - Cretaceous Period - Approximately 71 millions years ago
時代: 白亜紀 約7100万年前
Origin 産地: Bearpaw Formation, Southern Alberta, Canada
We will mail a certificate of authenticity to you after we send this fossil.
$ 13,995.00
Canadian ammoilte ammonite fossil. Origin: Bear Paw Formation , Alberta , Canada.Size: Approx. . 47.6cmx 41.7cm 18.6"Weight : Approx. YouTube Video This high-grade blue zone...
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Canadian ammoilte ammonite Origin: Bearpaw Formation , Alberta , Canada. Size: Approx.399x231x81mm approx15.3" Weight : Approx. 7.92kg / 17.4lb This gorgeous massive ammolite keel display has bright imperial...
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Canadian ammoilte ammonite fossil. Freestanding. Origin: Bear Paw Formation , Alberta , Canada.Size: Approx. 240x192x51mm 9.45" Weight : Approx. 2121g The fossil has a full body and is not compressed. It...