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Ammonite Fossil - Placenticeras Costatum
Size Approx: 30.8cmx 26cm x ( 12.12") Weight: 1468+1980g
This high grade ammonite has rare purples, blues, greens and yellows. There is a beautiful chromatic colour shift from the purples to blues and greens. This fossil is about 85% complete and comes in 2 pieces. You can see the inside chambers of the fossil that are also high quality gem. It will make a great addition to any collection.
Feel free to make us an offer on this Beauty! Or buy it now as it may go fast!
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化石は約85パーセントの完全体で 2 つに分かれていて、
Geologic Time - Cretaceous Period - Approximately 71 millions years ago
Origin : Bearpaw Formation, Southern Alberta, Canada
$ 13,995.00
Canadian ammoilte ammonite fossil. Origin: Bear Paw Formation , Alberta , Canada.Size: Approx. . 47.6cmx 41.7cm 18.6"Weight : Approx. YouTube Video This high-grade blue zone...
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Canadian ammoilte ammonite Origin: Bearpaw Formation , Alberta , Canada. Size: Approx.399x231x81mm approx15.3" Weight : Approx. 7.92kg / 17.4lb This gorgeous massive ammolite keel display has bright imperial...
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Canadian ammoilte ammonite fossil. Freestanding. Origin: Bear Paw Formation , Alberta , Canada.Size: Approx. 240x192x51mm 9.45" Weight : Approx. 2121g The fossil has a full body and is not compressed. It...